BusinesS Matchmaking EVENT IN 2023
11-03-2023 - 11-03-2023
During trade mission, TD VIET NAM CO.LTD , a strategic partner of the Dutch Business Association Vietnam (DBAV) 🇳🇱, took an active role in facilitating B2B connections. 13 Dutch companies specializing in high-tech, semiconductor manufacturing, low-volume high-mix production, and digitization participated, aiming to connect with potential Vietnamese suppliers and customers.
And thanks to the participants from the Dutch side: Atradius | Besi Netherlands B.V. | CodingChiefs: Dedicated Remote Developers | Eindhoven International Project Office BV | MTA Group | Incooling | inPhocal Invest International | MSG group | NXP Semiconductors | Outsourcing Parts Supplies BV (OPS) | VHE Industrial automation B.V.
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